When the pandemic was still ongoing, virtual museums experienced a rise in popularity. Now, after the pandemic is over and various regulations have been lifted, the museum is again looking for ways to get visitors interested in coming in person. One way to do this is to utilize digital signage and place it in the museum to increase creativity and interactivity between the museum and visitors.

Digital signage is used to optimize traffic and produce memorable experiences. Its development has brought digital signage as a creative medium. Its intended use includesself-ticketing kiosk, interactive information board,and assistance. More and more exhibition halls are using digital signage creatively, one example is making signage into displays that are integrated with augmented reality, motion sensor technology and other devices.

The initial stage to produce a memorable experience includes placing digital signage as a virtual museum device at several contact points along the journey that visitors take when exploring the museum. Take time to observe how and when visitors interact with the digital signage available. With this data, you can adjust your content so that audience engagement continues to increase, especially during busy times.

Digital displays expand opportunities to be creative and increase interactivity with visitors. Data obtained from signage allows museums to manage and schedule more personalized content–ensuring the purpose of the content reaches the target audience.

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