
Cameras that guess your age and sex are coming to store shelves

Eyeing that can of soda in the supermarket cooler? Or maybe you’re craving a pint of ice cream? A camera could be watching you.

But it’s not there to see if you’re stealing. These cameras want to get to know you and what you’re buying.

It’s a new technology being trotted out to retailers in the United States, where cameras try to guess your age, gender or mood as you walk by. The intent is to use the information to show you targeted real-time ads on in-store video screens.

Companies are pitching retailers to bring the technology into their physical stores as a way to better compete with online rivals like Amazon that are already armed with troves of information on their customers and their buying habits.

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Jika QSR Anda pernah mempertimbangkan kiosk, atau mungkin terutama jika tidak

Eceran digital dan fisik bergerak maju bersama dengan cepat akhir-akhir ini, dengan ranah digital menghembuskan kehidupan baru ke ruang bata-dan-mortir, yang menurut sebagian orang pernah dilupakan. Sekarang, perlombaan untuk memperkenalkan teknologi interaktif di toko-toko telah melepaskan permintaan bersejarah untuk kios swalayan yang dalam tampilan penuh di Pertunjukan Besar Federasi Eceran Nasional di Javits Center di New York City awal Januari ini.

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If your QSR ever considered kiosk, or maybe especially if it didn’t, read on

Digital and physical retail are marching forward together rapidly these days, with the digital realm breathing new life into the brick-and-mortar space, which some said once was headed for oblivion. Now, the race to introduce interactive technologies in stores has unleashed a historic demand for self-service kiosks that was in full view at the National Retail Federation Big Show at Javits Center in New York City earlier this January.

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Statis ke digital: Di dalam toko H&M terbesar di dunia

Mencakup 8.000 meter persegi, H&M baru di Kuwait adalah toko merek terbesar di dunia dan bukan instalasi ritel rata-rata Anda. Paul Milligan berbicara kepada mereka yang terlibat.

Terletak di situs toko lama Debenhams, toko unggulan baru untuk H&M di pusat perbelanjaan Avenue di Kuwait mengesankan dalam segala hal. Mencakup lebih dari 8.000 meter persegi, hotel ini memiliki façade marmer, layar digital raksasa di bagian luar dan dalam, bioskop anak-anak, makan siang santai, area pers, dinding dedaunan sungguhan dan tangga fitur yang mencakup dua lantai. The Avenue Mall adalah pusat perbelanjaan terbesar di Kuwait dan mal terbesar kedua di Timur Tengah. Seperti yang Anda harapkan di wilayah ini, semuanya diselesaikan dengan sangat mewah. Anda menemukan marmer di seluruh toko, diimpor dari Italia seharga $ 220 per meter persegi. jika Anda belum menyadarinya, ini bukan toko H&M biasa yang terlihat di jalan-jalan Eropa.

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Static to digital: Inside the world’s largest H&M store

Spanning 8,000 sq m, the new H&M in Kuwait is the brand’s biggest store in the world and is not your average retail install. Paul Milligan speaks to those involved.

Situated on the site of the old Debenhams store, the new flagship store for H&M in the Avenues shopping mall in Kuwait is impressive in every respect.  Spanning more than 8,000 sq m, it has a marble façade, giant digital screens on the outside and inside, a children’s cinema, chill-out lunch, press area, walls of real foliage and a feature staircase spanning the two floors. The Avenues Mall is the largest shopping mall in Kuwait and the second largest mall in the Middle East.  As you would expect in the region, everything is completed to a very luxurious finish. You find marble throughout the store, imported from Italy costing $220 per sq m. if you haven’t noticed already, this is not the usual H&M store seen on European high streets.

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