Understanding videotron or LED display is a medium that can display video or text using light emiting diode (LED) technology. LEDs work by converting electricity into light using semiconductors. In the future, the use of videotron will increase and mushroom with the support of government regulations, and also the benefits of using videotron more effectively and efficiently than conventional media such as billboards.

The application for use of the videotron is very diverse, can be used in the room (indoor) or outdoors (outdoor). Videotron, which uses indoor applications usually does not require a high level of brightness, because in general the visibility in the indoor application is not too far away, so the human eye needs to be given a level of information that is not too bright, whereas videotron located in the outdoor area requires very high high light, because the light from the videotron will be faced with sunlight.

For outdoor videotron itself, usually using DIP lamp technology, while for indoor videotrons, generally using SMD lamps, the advantage of SMD itself is the quality of the color produced and also a better viewing angle. In the past the videotron price difference between SMD and DIP prices was quite far, but now with technological advances the price of SMD is getting closer to DIP prices. Most indoor videotrons use SMD technology, while outdoor videotrons use DIP technology. However, it is not impossible for an outdoor videotron to use SMD technology to pitch 6 down.

And of course outdoor and indoor videotrons have different levels of water and dust resistance, generally outdoor videotron can be resistant to water and dust, while indoor tends to be water and dust resistant, to find out more about videotron’s resistance level, you can find information more about the IP rate (ingress protection), usually consists of two digits, where the first digit describes the resistance to dust, while the second digit describes the resistance to water.


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