Digitizing Nusantara Expo and Summit 2022, Equitable Digitization in All Regions of Indonesia

On Tuesday (29/03/2022) President Jokowi opened the Digitalization of Nusantara Expo event virtually, in his remarks the President mentioned the impact of this 2-year pandemic. However, from this impact there is also a positive side with the development of digital industry innovation, the acceleration of the digital industry is felt by the visible use of the internet during the pandemic with the right digital transformation strategy that can accelerate economic recovery.

The Digitization of the Nusantara Expo and Summit 2022 is a series of events from B20 Indonesia and the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry as the person in charge of the B20 presidency, the Digitization of the Nusantara Expo and Summit 2022 held at the Edutorium Building, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Central Java on 29-31 March 2022.

An event that aims to accelerate economic growth because it is still in a pandemic situation that still exists today, one way is by digitizing the economy of cities and villages. Therefore, it is necessary to use technology.

Digitalisasi Nusantara 2022 - 1

LIMA is one part that supports the holding of this expo. The LEDs used in this event are P3 indoor type uk 4m x 12m 1 set and 4m x 6m 2 sets which are usually used for indoor events because they have a fairly good visibility, which makes the display on the LED screen still visible clearly and sharp. . Having sufficient brightness but still maintaining image quality, a high refresh rate can reduce flicker for better image quality. In addition, the smooth pixel pitch technology makes viewing at close range better.

As a company engaged in digital media, we provide solutions for every activation need or expo that will be held depending on the wishes of consumers along with the needs of the devices and systems that will be used. As a company engaged in digital media, we provide solutions that can support various media needs in an event, both Indoor and Outdoor. We can also reach all of Indonesia with quality and reliable products and services.

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