Kesaktian Pancasila Day Event 2021

Hari Kesaktian Pancasila falls on October 1. Every year, the commemoration of the 2021 Hari Kesaktian Pancasila is carried out with a ceremony from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud) making this year’s theme “Resilient Indonesia Based on Pancasila”. commonly called the G30S.

The meaning of the kesaktian pancasila is also a day where all members and officials of the Indonesian army or TNI mourn. This was because at that time many TNI officers died and suddenly disappeared.

PT. Lintas Mediatama is one part that supports the commemoration of the 2021 Pancasila Sanctity Day which will be held on October 1, 2021. The supporting devices used for this event are LED Outdoor, multicam system, multimedia system and rigging.

hari kesaktian pancasila 2021
hari kesaktian pancasila 2021

The LEDs used are 2 P4 type outdoor LEDs measuring 5 x 8 meters. The advantage of this LED is that it has a Brightness of 6000 nits and a Refresh rate of 3840 Hz which can make the image display clear and sharp, so that your event can run smoothly. We also have a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) called Zero Defect, which is to ensure that no Led Lamp dies or errors during the event. As a company engaged in digital media, we provide solutions that can support various media needs in an event, both Indoor and Outdoor. We can also reach all of Indonesia with quality and trusted products and services.

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