Weave Connect Event Launch from Surge

Nowadays people need internet network with high speed and also stable. Especially in the midst of this pandemic, where the internet is needed to support daily needs. Weave Connect Event Launch last October was one of the answers from one of the internet infrastructure network providers.

Weave Connect Event Launch was supported by PT Lintas Mediatama in providing several Indoor rental LEDs of the P3 type, namely uk 3m x 14m which is located in the middle and on the left and right using LED P3 uk 3m x 4m.

Launching weave connect 2021
Launching weave connect 2021

Indoor LED Type P3 is an LED that is commonly used for indoor events because it has sufficient visibility, but can still display the display on the LED screen clearly and sharply. Has a level of brightness (brightness) that is sufficient but still maintains image quality. With a high refresh rate, it can reduce flicker so that the camera captures are better. We guarantee that the LEDs we rent are in good condition without any module errors or dead pixels.

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