LIMA Studio The Banker Show (Bank BJB)

PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat and Banten (Bank BJB) is one of the largest banks in West Java and Banten, coinciding with its 60th birthday on Thursday, May 20, 2021, launching various promos with the tagline “Melaju Penuh Energi Wujudkan Visi Negeri” with a streaming event held at LIMA Studio.

In addition to the various promos offered at the event, Bank BJB also provided the public to be able to access various news about the latest programs and video streaming talks about the banking world on The Banker Show.

The Banker Show PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten (Bank BJB) dalam HUT ke 60 tahun 2021 di LIMA Studio Space Rental
The Banker Show PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten (Bank BJB) dalam HUT ke 60 tahun 2021 di LIMA Studio Space Rental

Collaborating between LIMA and Bank BJB in making The Banker Show event held in Studio Space Rental, the studio can not only be used for talk shows but can also be used for digital streaming events, mini concerts and podcast studios. In the previous event, it has also been used for the Ngobat & Super Night Endurance Event.

The Banker Show is part of a whole series of events on Bank BJB’s 60th Birthday, LIMA here collaborated with Bank BJB to make the event. Talks and light talk shows about the banking economy that is currently happening during the Covid-19 pandemic era as well as the ins and outs of problems and their solutions, presented various competent sources in their fields and discussed lightly.

LIMA Studio Space Rental is one of the many Studio Space Rentals that are currently booming, LIMA Space Rental has advantages other than a unique visual booth and a visual display that can be adapted to the needs of those who use Videotron and is integrated with the system.

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